Term 1 Week 3
In This Newsletter
A message from our Directors
Planting Seeds in 2025
Seeds are tiny, but inside them is the power to grow into something big and amazing, like a flower, a tree, or even food! Just like planting seeds in the ground, we can plant seeds of kindness, love, and faith in our hearts and in the lives of others. This year, our early learning centre is excited to plant seeds of growth and discovery with our little learners. We are dedicated to guiding and encouraging them to branch out, explore new things, take risks, and deepen their understanding of their own milestones and growth, with God and His love for us. This year is packed with exciting opportunities for all the children! Highlights include special visitors for incursions, adventures beyond the centre with excursions and a wide range of engaging learning experiences within the centre. We thank you for entrusting us with your little ones and are excited for what 2025 holds.
"The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree."
— Matthew 13:13-32
Upcoming Events
Term 1 Events
Exciting events @ CCC Early Learning |
Thursday 13 Feb - College Welcome BBQ @ 5pm
Friday 14 Feb - P&F Meeting @ 9am at Admin Staff Lounge
Tuesday 25 Feb - Gympie Regional Council Recycling & Waste Management Incursion
Little Arrows - Starting 26th of Feb
Thursday 13 Mar - Gympie Regional Council Worm Farming & Composting Incursion
Important Reminders
2025 Staff
Welcome to our staff for 2025 |
Kindy - Kelly McIntyre, Beccy Parker, Tamika MacGregor, Ashleigh Smith
Pre-Kindy - Courtney Bridge, Holly Andrews, Ashleigh Smith
Toddlers - Lisa Grant, Karen Neal, Veronica Valero Cortazar
OSHC - Phil Sutevski, Rachael Whysall
We have a number of new staff joining us this year. Please introduce yourself and say hello if you see them in the centre. |
Abbey Dixon - Administration
Ashleigh Smith - Educator (Diploma)
Cassandra Ellingsen - Relief educator (Cert III)
Emily Howell - Relief educator (Diploma)
Important Reminders
Sheets - If your child likes a sheet over them (most toddler and pre-kindy children) please pack 2 cot sized sheets. If you'd like to leave these at the centre for the week and take them home on your child's last day for the week please place sheets in a named bag and we'll store them at the centre for the week.
Water bottle
Spare clothes and small towel (hand towel size)
Join the P&F
Please consider joining the College P&F. It's a small but friendly group of parents that would love to have a few new faces join them. A few ELC parents are currently involved so there will be a couple of familiar faces if you decide to come along. The first meeting of the year is Friday 14 February at 9am.
Please leave a review
If you have time, would you be willing to leave a positive online review for the CCC Early Learning Centre? It should only take a moment if you click the button below. You can simply leave a rating however we’d love you to share details of your positive experience. Thank you in advance for helping us celebrate the ELC.