Term 1 Week 6
In This Newsletter
A message from our Directors
Be Strong and Courageous - Trusting God in the Storm
How is your little one feeling with all the talk about Cyclone Alfred? Are they worried, confused, or scared? In uncertain times, we can remind our children that God is in control of all things, even the wind and the waves. Weather events can feel overwhelming, little hearts may need extra reassurance and peace. Top tips for easing worry & trusting God: Read together – Try reading Birdie and the Cyclone with your child to help them process their feelings and feel safe. Thank you Children’s Health Queensland for this great resource. Offer reassurance – Instead of focusing on fear, remind them: “We are well-prepared, and we can even help others too!” There is comfort in knowing that God provides enough for us to be a blessing to others. Limit exposure to fear – Watching too much news can increase anxiety. Instead, focus on positive and productive preparations. Pray for peace & protection – Teach your child that we can bring our worries to God. “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) Plan for joy – If power goes out or plans change, have some fun activities ready—board games, stories, or even a family prayer time by candlelight. No matter the storm, we can stand firm, knowing that God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1) Stay safe.
Important Information
General advance advice to parents re extreme weather
Week 6 Memory Verse
Good judgment wins favour, but the way of the unfaithful leads to their destruction.
— Proverbs 13:15
Upcoming Events
Term 1 Events
Exciting Events @ CCC Early Learning |
Thursday 13 March - Gympie Regional Council Worm Farming & Composting Incursion
Friday 21 March - Gympie Library Storytime Incursion
Monday 24 March - Bunnings Incursion (Kindy children will need enclosed shoes)
Thursday 27 March - Messy March (Community Event) - Flyers available in Administration
Wednesday 2 April - Gympie Library STEM Incursion
Friday 4 April - College Colour Fun Run
Learning Highlights
Learning in the Kindy Room
We have been settling in so well into our new classroom, learning the routine and expectations together. We are beginning our morning at the Adventure Playground, which the children are enjoying very much. This helps us to get out into nature, practice our fundamental movement skills, supports our emotional wellbeing and is lots of fun. In the classroom we are engaging in lots of exciting learning experiences. In literacy we have started our phonics program (Soundwaves) and we explore a different letter/sound each week. We are sharing stories, songs, music and movement and nursery rhymes. There has been lots of interest in mark making, writing letters and name writing. In numeracy we have been learning to rote count, recognise numbers and learning to touch each item as we count (one-to-one correspondence). The children are loving sensory and science inquiry play. We have explored ice, pasta, playdough, oats, rice, slime and fine sand. These activities all help to develop our fine motor skills. We have been attending chapel weekly on a Friday. The children are enjoying joining in the worship and listening to the weekly bible teaching. It has been wonderful to see many new friendships forming in the class.
Parent Resources & Information
Easing Transitions
Separation anxiety varies WIDELY between children. Some babies become hysterical when you are out of sight for a very short time. Other children seem to show ongoing anxiety at separations during infancy, toddlerhood and preschool. The trick for surviving separation anxiety demands preparation, brisk transitions, and the evolution of time. I would suggest we parents suffer as much as our children do when we leave. Even though we are often reminded that our children stop crying within minutes of our leave-taking, how many of you have felt like you’re "doing it all wrong" when your child clings to your legs, sobs for you to stay and mourns the parting? As a parent working outside the home, separation anxiety has created questions for me. Although it is an entirely normal behaviour and a beautiful sign of a meaningful attachment, separation anxiety can be unsettling for us all.
Surviving separation anxiety: 6 tips to try |
1. Create quick goodbye rituals.
2. Be consistent.
3. Give your full attention .
4. Keep your promise.
5. Be specific, child style.
6. Practice being apart.
Source: Swanson, Wendy Sue. (6/1/2025). How to Ease Your Child’s Separation Anxiety. Retrieved https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/toddler/Pages/Soothing-Your-Childs-Separation-Anxiety.aspx
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If you have time, would you be willing to leave a positive online review for the CCC Early Learning Centre? It should only take a moment if you click the button below. You can simply leave a rating however we’d love you to share details of your positive experience. Thank you in advance for helping us celebrate the ELC.